Resilient Energi was formed on Earth Day in 2021.

Our mission is to help create a climate-resilient world powered by net zero renewable energy that is affordable for all.

We build, own, and operate Resilient Energi Net Zero power plants through partnerships that provide urgently needed solutions to the climate crisis.

Based in Nashville,TN, Resilient Energi is rapidly expanding its operations through corporate and government partnerships across the United States and soon in EuropeAfricaLatin AmericaAsia-Pacific and the Caribbean.


Phil Cullom, Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board
In 2017, Phil Cullom completed a 38-year career as Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Readiness and Logistics at the Pentagon. He led Navy wide Task Forces on Energy and Innovation. Cullom holds a an MBA with Distinction from the Harvard Business School.

Phil Trotter, Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer & Board Member
Phil Trotter has over 25 years of experience in business development, mergers and acquisitions with Vulcan Materials where he helped achieve $850M in sales. Mr. Trotter  has a degree in Public Administration from the University of Tennessee.

Greg Smith, Chief Technology Officer & Board Member
Greg Smith has over 30 years of experience with renewable energy projects and developed the IP for the Resilient Energi H2C6™  technology and production systems for Green-Graphene, renewable diesel and green hydrogen. Mr. Smith has engineering degrees from the University of Kansas. 

Jacob Smith, Director of Operations
Jacob Smith has more than 4 years of experience in the construction, installation and operation of the first generation of the Resilient Energi H2C6. Jacob holds a B.S. in Business and Finance from the University of Missouri. 

Virya LLC-Lead Investor 

Resilient Energi’s founding investor is Virya, LLC, supporters of new ventures with high potential to eliminate global greenhouse gas emissions at the gigaton scale per year when scaled up globally.

Virya is led by visionary impact investors Chris Anderson, Stephen Petranek, and Solomon Goldstein-Rose. The Virya team is also helping Resilient Energi secure additional equity investors in the company and project finance for the rapid scale-up of Resilient Energi power plants across the U.S. and internationally.

Chris Anderson, Leader TED, the Audacious Project & Ocean Zero LLC
Chris Anderson is known for his leadership of the TED organization, which recently created the global TED COUNTDOWN Summit and the Ocean Zero investment fund. Through the Audacious Project, Chris has raised over $1 Billion for impact-driven projects.

Stephen Petranek, Operating Partner, Ocean Zero LLC. 
Stephen Petranek invests in innovative companies that can make a breakthrough difference in decarbonizing the world’s oceans. He is an Investment Advisor for Virya LLC, the lead investor with Resilient Energi. Petranek is the former editor of The Washington Post Magazine, science editor at Life Magazine and editor-in-chief of Discover Magazine

Solomon Goldstein-Rose, Operating Partner, Virya LLC
Solomon Goldstein-Rose was the youngest Massachusetts legislator when he was elected at age 22. He served for two years before focusing full-time on climate change. More recently, he synthesized a framework on global climate change solutions in his book, The 100% Solution: A Plan for Solving Climate Change.

Collaboration & Partnerships

Resilient Energi is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before 2050. We will accomplish this through collaboration and strategic partnerships with governments, corporations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Resilient Energi supports the United Nations Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

Through strategic partnerships we are developing, Resilient Energi will support government and corporate climate action around the world to achieve this milestone.

 Resilient Energi is strongly aligned with the following U.S. and international government and corporate initiatives.